Thursday, May 14, 2009

why do all people notice it?

i wasn't really bothered before about it.
i knew that it has become noticeable after i also noticed it myself.
i became used to it the moment my friends and other acquaintances commented on it.
i just told myself that it's normal to experience it.
what made me more like it is because some of my friends commented that it looked good to me, that i became more beautiful.
one of the tricycle drivers also noticed and commented that way to me.
i guess it is really noticeable.

one day, i woke up early and decided to buy taho.
i was still sleepy when i bought it and the taho vendor did not look familiar to me.
however, he said something that made me awake and bothered all of a sudden.
i never thought i would hear him say that to me.
we are not even close and again, he's face is not familiar.
know what he told me after i gave him the money?
"nanaba lague ka?"


  1. bweshet kala ko kung ano!
    more beautiful jud? naa juy more? haha!

  2. haha. uo nmn.. para masaya.. haha.. pero tinuod buh? mas bagay ako sa weight ko naun o hindi? haha.. :))

  3. POTA..
    ABI NKO UNSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Agree kau ko meng!!! mao pud unta ng akong comment ages ago when i first read this blog. kaso super loading ang pc.haist.
